Hi! I’m Amy. I’m a wife, a mom to 3 boys, a business owner, an online mentor and a book lover. I love to help women re-discover who they are. Do you feel called to something more but you don’t know where to start? You are made on purpose FOR a purpose, but, what is that purpose?

YOU my dear, are PRECIOUS. You are LOVED. You have a HIGH VALUE and you are HIGHLY VALUED, and that voice in the back of your head telling you different right now is a LIER and we are going to SHUT IT UP.

Maybe you want to start a blog. Maybe a ministry. Maybe you want to write a book. Maybe it’s a YouTube channel. Maybe it’s a business, maybe you don’t know what it is but you just want to work towards something. Maybe you want the freedom of being self-employed, or maybe you just want some side money so you can get a mani-pedi guilt free. Girl, I got you! WHATEVER it is,  even if you don’t know what it is yet, we’ll find it together. 

Sometimes to find your voice you just have to start talking.   So let’s chat!

Or are you a mom feeling like your whole life is laundry and dishes and your just wanting to feel like you have something for yourself? Is it hard to remember who you were before you were mom? Is it hard to remember what your own preferences are? What is your favorite food, half eaten chicken nuggets or the last bit of Mac & Cheese eaten out of the pot with a wooden spoon? I know you know what I’m talking about! Mama, it’s time to FIND  YOU AGAIN. Let’s rediscover what makes you YOU. Let’s go digging around in that heart of yours and find some PASSION for life again. I KNOW it’s there, let’s do this.

Maybe your kids are older and launching out in the world and you’re wondering who am I if I’m not mom?  

It’s time to find out.

“Thoughts untangle themselves when crossing over lips and pencil tips”. T he first step is taking the courage to  reach  out and ask your  questions